
Steinhardt's Guide to the Eldritch Hunt: A 5e Supplement

Created by MonkeyDM

A Soulsborne and Lovecraft inspired setting for DnD 5e. Fight Nightmarish Monsters, Survive the Madness, and Join The Hunt!

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Important Information about Steinhardt's Guide to the Eldritch Hunt
over 1 year ago – Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 11:57:34 PM

Hello fellow hunters!

I hope you enjoyed the adventure released yesterday! 

Let's jump right in

Backerkit and Shipping Information

All the Backerkit surveys (to put your shipping information and/or modify your order) have been sent out.

If you haven't received your survey, here's what to do:

- Check your inbox's spam folder, the mail can get lost in there

- If you used something that masks your email address, such as an apple ID, you need to contact Backerkit support.

- If the shipping information feels off, or something is missing from your order, get in touch with Backerkit support, they'll sort you out.

How to contact Backerkit support:

You can do so right here:

Make sure to fill in using the email address used on Kickstarter, or to give that email address in the mail.


So far I've been doing weekly content updates, with new content to play-test each time. Thank you for your feedback on the surveys, it really allows me to adjust the content.

I intend to make these content updates weekly/fortnightly.

It's definitely good for me, as it keeps me on schedule to make sure everything is finished in a timely manner, and play-tested properly on top of that! (and this way I can give you all something to play with until the final release!)


When I first launched Steinhardt's Guide, I decided not to do minis because it would add extra complexity to the project, something I wasn't sure I could handle.

I chose to err on the side of caution and decided to abstain, which, looking back now, I believe was the right choice. This project blew up and already has enough moving parts as is just from the sheer number of orders.

That being said, good friends of mine are running their own Kickstarter at the moment, Riftborne, which does contain a lot of minis, and they asked if they could do a mini for one of Steinhardt's monster. 

I said yes.

Say hello to the sinner, and his epic mini:

big mini for a big enemy

And right now they're in the process of making yet another monster of Steinhardt's as a mini, the executioner:

flaming axe, because some heretics really need to be purged

These minis (and their STLs) are part of their Kickstarter if you're interested!

They're only doing these 2 monsters of ours, but still, with creatures appearing in both books, I suppose that makes them part of the MCU (MonkeyDM Cinematic Universe). 

I should probably use another name...

Bad jokes aside, their book, Riftborne, opens up rifts across the worlds to unleash terrifying monsters and epic multi-phase boss fights, each with its own custom map, minis, and if you want even more bloodshed, they also have an arena combat system!

If that's something you're into, because brutal boss fights are always fun, you should definitely check them out here, tell them I sent you ;) 

Like I said, Steinhardt's Guide won't have minis, but they will, and they know what they are doing.

Anyway, that's it for today!

Take Care!

Evan | MonkeyDM

P.S: We thought about sharing the STLs, but decided against it. They're the ones who spent a lot of time designing the minis, so it's only fair that the models aren't given away for free here. 

The Vile Village, an Adventure part of Steinhardt's Guide to the Eldritch Hunt
over 1 year ago – Sun, Oct 16, 2022 at 06:07:44 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Steinhardt's Alpha Content Pack 1
over 1 year ago – Sat, Oct 08, 2022 at 05:25:46 AM

Hello fellow hunters! 

As I promised on Tuesday, here is the alpha content pack 1 for Steinhardt's Guide, which contains:

- Fighter Subclass: The Living Nightmare

- Fighter Subclass: The Blood Archer

- Firearms Rules + Ammunition

- Trick Weapon: Palegold Equalizer

- Trick Weapon: Ravenous Gazer

- Trick Weapon: Sanctified Partisan

- Eldritch Moon: Vacuous Moon

Download the alpha content here

Alpha content means that most of what is on display here are the mechanical aspects of the content, more-so than the lore aspects. This is why most weapons don't have a lengthy description for example.

All of this is subject to change!

If you want to give feedback regarding any of the content, you can do so using this handy-dandy feedback form I made:

I'll be taking feedback from the form, not from discord or the comments! So make sure to leave your ideas on there!

That's it for me tonight,

Looking forward to your opinions!

Take Care!

Evan | MonkeyDM

Steinhardt's Tiny Alpha Content Update
over 1 year ago – Wed, Oct 05, 2022 at 07:25:17 AM

Hello fellow hunters, hope you are doing well!

As you know I wanted to release the alpha content update yesterday. Things didn't go as planned we couldn't fully test the new eldritch moon and the living nightmare subclass. We rescheduled and will have that finished by the end of the week.

But to help wait until Friday, I do have some content to give you!

Without further ado, Click here to get the Pre-Alpha Content release 1 for Steinhardt's Guide!

It contains:

- Firearm rules and examples (Cannon Included!)

- 3 New Trick Weapons

- Fighter Subclass: The Blood Archer

Afterwards, on Friday I will release a new Eldritch Moon, alongside the Living Nightmare Fighter. I also wanted to release some monsters, which are completed. 

I decided against it, because another one of the adventures is almost completed, and these monsters are part of said adventure.

So instead next week, I will release the new adventure, with the monsters inside it. Unless I get a ton of comments telling me to release the monsters on Friday as well.

That's it for this quick update!

Take Care!

P.S: I also have feedback forms ready, and will start posting them alongside the content starting Friday!

Steinhardt's Smoke Test Has Been Launched
over 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 02:26:50 AM

Hello everyone!

Earlier today we launched the smoke test for Steinhardt's Guide through Backerkit.

What is the smoke test?

It's basically us sending an email to around 10% of our backers, collecting the shipping information to see if there aren't issues. 

If customer support is flooded with requests it means that we did something wrong, so instead of having thousands of issues to fix, we can solve it quickly and early, before moving on to everyone else.

It's a test to see if there's any burning issues, hence the name smoke test.

What does this mean for you?

This means some of you will have received a mail asking for your shipping info, please fill it up as precisely as possible. If you notice anything wrong please contact Backerkit customer support and let them know!

This way we can ensure the smoothest experience for everyone.

This also means that if you didn't receive a mail from Backerkit regarding your shipping information, it's normal, 90% of the people didn't!

The rest of the mails will be sent out slowly over the course of 2 weeks. But anyway I'll make sure to keep you updated

Important Note:

If you qualify for the free D20 that we gave for the early backers, and do not see it in your Backerkit order, make sure to contact Backerkit support. I gave them the list with all the emails that qualify for it, so they can quickly reference it and add the D20 back in your cart!

Preview Content

So the Alpha content I want to give out isn't quite ready yet, but it will be before the end of the week.

In the meantime, here's a preview of what you'll get:

New Subclasses

Fighter Subclass: The Living Nightmare [Name may change]

A fighter subclass that transforms your body and forces your body to evolve into something greater. A prototype of sorts ;)

Fighter: Blood Archer

A second fighter subclass, this one focuses on harnessing the power held in your blood to create devastating arrows that can ravage the battlefield.

New trick weapons

A weapon often seen on the hunt. The blade of this partisan can extend into a shield and be pulled off, revealing the spear underneath. 

We aren't forgetting about our casters. This "glaive" can be used as a spellcasting staff/focus and doesn't require proficiency if you're a master of magic.

And of course some more firearms!

That's it for today,

Take Care Everyone!

Evan | MonkeyDM