
Steinhardt's Guide to the Eldritch Hunt: A 5e Supplement

Created by MonkeyDM

A Soulsborne and Lovecraft inspired setting for DnD 5e. Fight Nightmarish Monsters, Survive the Madness, and Join The Hunt!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

PREY SLAUGHTERED (850k Unlocked), now let's go and KILL A NIGHTMARE (and make our own weapons)
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 05:30:57 PM

Hello fellow hunters!

So the 850k goal lasted a grand total of 2 days and a half, this is insane haha. So not only will we add a section to be able to use the monsters you slay during the Eldritch Hunt to craft items (as part of the patch with Heliana), now you shall be able to reward your hunters with medals to honor their prowess in combat.

So what's the next goal for us?

 You guessed it, it's the big one, the one million goal!

   What will be unlocked for 1 Million? Well I was supposed to have super cool art to show it off, but because we're going so fast, the artists didn't have time to finish it, so I'll detail it as best I can by text.

Trick Weapon Workshop & Eldritch Carvings 

Trick Weapon Workshop

Want to create your own trick weapon? How about merging a battleaxe with a shotgun for deadly effect? Or fusing a spellcasting staff with a pickaxe?

Well we're adding a new sections to the book for hunters that want to craft their very own weapons, using useful tables to keep the balance in check!

pick your weapon or make your own

Eldritch Carvings

Carve your flesh in the shape of the utterings of the Great Ones and gain wondrous powers. The more vicious the scar, the more powerful the hunter. This process is gore and often deadly, but this is a sacrifice that many are willing to make, if only to save their own.

   Eldritch Carving function in a similar manner to magic tattoos, except no quite haha. They grant their bearer grandiose new powers, but at a cost. In addition, there is a fun mechanic hidden among these runes/symbols. The more permanent the symbol, the more powerful it is. 

     Let's say you uncover the eldritch rune that grants you Truesight (and other fun benefits ;). If you see it written on a scroll, the effect will be very mild, now if you tattoo it on your skin, the effect will already be stronger, finally if an expert grabs a knife and carves that symbol in your flesh, so deep that it reaches the bones, well this is where it becomes the strongest.

P.S: Because I still want to show you some cool art, here's the WIP of one of our Eldritch Moons, Try to guess its name ;)

Me looking at the Kickstarter numbers like...

900k CRUSHED! Come Join the Official Discord!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 05:29:21 PM

Hello good hunters!

So we just shattered 900k only 1 day after unveiling the latest stretch goal, next stop is the million!

I just love that meme

To celebrate together I want to unveil the official discord server!

Join us here:

This server is there for all of you who follow and support Steinhardt's Guide and want to discuss more about it or have any questions!

Ask us anything and come hang out!

Take Care!

Evan | MonkeyDM

ONE MILLION on Steinhardt's Guide!! Thank you!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 05:27:22 PM

This is absolute insanity! 

We completely obliterated our goal, in just over 10 days we broke 1 Million Dollars, thank you so much for the support!

You'll now get access to the powerful Eldritch Carvings to empower yourself, and the Trick Weapon Workshop, to create your very own gear for the hunts! (This book is going to be full of content, that's for sure)

So now is the time to unveil the next entry, because you can be sure I'm going to cram all the epic content I can in this book!

Many hunters have lost themselves in their fight against the Scourge, and now need to be laid to rest, before too much harm is done. With this next stretch goal, at 1,15 Million, we will unleash a completely new category of monsters in the book. Fallen Hunters. 

They are fast, precise and deadly, and aided by the Eldritch and Bestial Powers that have corrupted them, they will prove to be lethal opponents! Who knows, perhaps some can be brought back from the brink of insanity...

Not going to lie, I'm super excited about this one!

Thank you again for the unbelievable amount of support!

Take care everyone.

Evan | MonkeyDM

1,15 Million CRUSHED, The Fallen Hunters join the fray! Next up the Map of the Setting!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 03:05:35 PM

We made it! The fallen hunters section of the book is now unlocked, which means more badass monsters and encounters for your games!

I'll be honest, it's 3am right now where I live, so I apologize for any potential typos, but I have some real cool stuff to show you! 

(I put an alarm in case we broke through the Stretch Goal during the night, and we did!)

Us on our way to the next Stretch Goal

It is time to unveil the next Objective: at 1,3 Million, we will make a custom map of Luyarnha, the massive town explored in this setting book. View everything in high quality, from the cathedrals of the Radiant Church, to the acidic depths of the Caustic Borough, to the glow of the Ruby District and the voltaic headquarters of the Scions. 

I'm a big fan of world maps, because they are a fantastic way to give a real sense of progression to an adventuring party, showing players where they are, where they need to go, and what must be done next. 

Thank you again to everyone for the tremendous amount of support, I have no doubt that we will hit this stretch goal soon!

Back to sleep for me, take care!

Evan | MonkeyDM

Prey Slaughtered: 2 Millions on Steinhardt!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 03:05:15 PM

Thank you!

I really don't know what to say in this update but that.

When I launched this Kickstarter, I would have never dreamed that we would reach such a number.

Yet, here we are.

2 million dollars

We will make this book the best that it can be.

Epic art, epic content, and epic stories, this is what we will create.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

Evan | MonkeyDM


I have a meeting with the team later today, we will discuss whether or not to add another stretch goal, as I do not want to delay the completion of the book too much. Take Care!